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Replacements Policy
Replacements Policy

This is the new policy on replacements/subs published 10/15/24

Cody Trotter avatar
Written by Cody Trotter
Updated over 4 months ago

Policy Release

  • 9/5/2023 - Replacement Policy

  • 10/15/2024 - Updated


  • Define the guidelines that our staff is authorized to operate within in order to mitigate damages and prevent large scale loss with marketplaces.

Replacement Policy Statements

  • It is the duty of the team in the Lysted division of Automatiq to ensure that all customers on the platform enjoy the great service we provide, including the reduced marketplace seller rates.

  • In order to maintain these rates we are bound to strict fault rates, and any deviation outside of the allowed fault will result in a higher marketplace rate for all users on the platform.

  • For that reason, we have developed criteria for our staff to find alternative inventory for sales that cannot be filled with the original listed inventory.

Policy for Replacement:

Note: Self replacements must be done within 24 hours of notification (unless event is within 24 hours); for exceptions please contact the Loss Mitigation department. If you already own tickets in the same section within the same or better row (within 5 rows), and the order has not been delivered you can send those to the buyer without needing to contact our loss mitigation team. We will not be making any offers to the marketplaces unless the tickets are already owned. (Proof of purchase will be required) Any replacement offers that are in a different section or not within a 5 row upgrade must be approved by the marketplace.

  1. Our staff will replace your inventory as quickly as possible after being notified in order to prevent cancellations.

    1. If you are on automation and we receive the email notification from Sync that your initial purchased inventory is no longer valid we will automatically put any sold into the replacement queue.

  2. Replacements will be obtained at the lowest cost possible, however the primary objective of the team is to preserve the marketplace sell rates by maintaining a low fault rate. This is done by minimizing the amount of canceled sales.

    1. Our staff is trained to source internally for inventory as well as on the primary marketplaces. If replacements cannot be obtained by those means, replacements will be sourced on any secondary marketplace at the lowest cost available.

    2. Some markets are no longer adhering to the maximum 200% penalty, so replacements will be obtained for those marketplaces up to 400% of original sale.

      1. High value orders will be assessed on a case by case basis and the management will make a decision taking into consideration the current fault rate for that marketplace as well as the best interest of the seller.

    3. All additional cost or penalty for not obtaining proper replacements will be passed to the seller.

  3. Due to the nature of the market and how quickly tickets get purchased, we cannot confirm the cost of replacements with the seller prior to purchase.

  4. While we will attempt to find replacements on each and every order, we may not be able to. If acceptable replacements are not available on the market the order will be cancelled with penalties applied.

  5. At this time this is a free service that Lysted is offering for the purpose of capturing as many sales as possible and maintaining low sell fees and good relationships with each marketplace. At any time if a seller has an exorbitant amount of broken orders or has put the company at risk of an increase in fault rate, their individual sell fee with Lysted can be reevaluated.

Assumptions Being Made

  • It is the assumption of Lysted that all customers selling tickets intend to successfully deliver orders

  • It is the assumption of Lysted that all customers intend to profit on sales, and thus will act accordingly in an attempt to preserve all profits

  • It is the assumption that all customers understand that the sell fee for each market be preserved as those competitive rates are passed along to each seller.

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